Schematic line diagram

The schematic line diagram visualizes PuT supply in the form of a schematic network display similar to the flow bundles in the network. The tool is also known as Timetable network graph (used in earlier versions of Visum). In this display selected stops of the network, the so-called transfer nodes, are symbolized by squares which are connected to one or more edges each. They each represent a subset of vehicle journeys of the supply with specific properties between the transfer nodes. The display can be supplemented by bars, transfer flows, labels and a legend (User Manual: Creating schematic line diagrams).

In the planning process, this display format serves a better understanding of the current supply concept and the optimization and manual planning of timetables and connections, especially in combination with other views (synchronization of the marked stops), for example the clock-face transfers view (PuT connections and transfer flows). In addition, the finished graphics can be used to communicate planning results to other planners, decision makers or customers. It can also be updated when changes occur in the timetable supply.

Note: In the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023/Examples, you can find an example of use on this topic. The PuT Schematic Line Diagram example shows various aspects of editing and creating a schematic line diagram.